Chat, meet and compete in this chill metaverse hotel. Hang out with your friends, customize your character and your room, play the fun minigames and, most importantly, have a good time.
Metaverse Madness
- Choose the character that represents you the most and let the games begin!
- Stroll around the retro arcade or join in on the fun games
- Chat with other players and make new friends
- Design your room, express your style!
- Invite your real life friends in game and host a virtual party
Minigame bonanza
- Play with up to 10 friends (or foes!) in one of the rotating mini games
- If you want to have some solo fun, we even have a Pachinko machine
- Engage in classic games that are bound to bring back fond memories
- Win games and climb up the leaderboards
- Earn tickets and various rewards for every win
- Join one of the frequent events or host your own
Hilarious Avatars
- Whats not blue and cant bend air? Thats right, its your very own avatar!
- Collect rare and fun characters of internet renown
- Trade in your well earned game rewards for more characters
- Get higher rarity characters to earn more game rewards!
Make it yours!
- Grab a room and customize it to your hearts desire
- Weve got everything from a single bedroom to a grand palatial suite
- Use the rooms as social gatherings or have friends over for some quick chit-chat
Expect updates and new features that will upgrade the hotel — and make sure you don’t get lost!
TL;DR: Fun minigames, multiplayer competitions, online chat and emote, unique rooms and characters, all wrapped in a metaverse game.
PSSSST: Join the community for a chance to win prizes, participate in giveaways and get updates: